Catherine Mulier – unique shoes seller

e-shop, wordpress, web design

Catherine Mulier is an upcoming fashion brand that is dedicated to making comfortable tailor made pumps. The concept of selling the shoes is to be such that the customer has an option to buy only one piece of pumps, i.e. one pair of pumps can consist of two pumps of different sizes. Since this is a non-standard shoe buying process (buying a same-size pair is the standard), we had to address this special feature when designing the e-shop. When adding items to the cart, the customer needed to be notified that only one of the pair of shoes was in the cart. We also addressed the fact that the e-shop should recommend the purchase of the correct other shoe if the customer only purchases – say – the left shoe. Complications in development arose when the client requested that the individual stores in which the shoes were to be sold be linked to the number of pieces of a given size and color on the site. Thanks to our experience with WordPress and Woocommerce, we were able to meet all the requirements.

Purchasing process

Due to the challenges, the purchasing process has also undergone several changes. For example, the shopping cart alerts the customer if there is only one shoe in it, while the same functionality is present in the checkout process. Orders in this e-shop can be paid either by cash on delivery or by card with a link to the courier service. I.e. after successful payment, the system automatically sends the order to the courier service as well for processing.

With WordPress, even bigger websites can be designed.

Thumbnails catherine mulier

Catherine Mulier - tvorba web stránky
Tvorba web stránky s eshopom

What has been developed?

Web design

Web design

Webdesign – the website graphics is always custom-designed according to the client’s needs and wants… learn more in Web design section


The WordPress platform can be extended with simple e-shop features for selling products or services… learn more in the WordPress section

tvorba eshopov


When designing an e-shop, simplicity and ease of navigation of shopping for a potential customer needs to be the priority… learn more in the Eshop design section

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